Mountain Goat Hopped Gin 700ml
Mountain Goat Hopped Gin 700ml
Recommended Retail $74.99
Much in the classic London Dry style, the Mountain Goat Hopped Gin is a juniper-forward gin because juniper and hops have a lot in common, with both ingredients bringing resinous, piney and citrusy flavours. At first sip there is a subtle heat from the native pepper berry, which leads into resinous, piney flavours from the juniper and hops. A rounded citrus and coriander profile presents itself on the mid-palate, adding a pleasant herbal warmth before the florals kick in for that unmistakeable finish.
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Product Information
Variety: Gin
Size mL: 700
Region: Melbourne
ABV: 40%
Age Statement:
Distillery Info
Mountain Goat are pioneers of Australia’s craft beer scene, with their first beer hitting pubs back in 1997. Over twenty years on, they’re still brewing beers unrestrained in flavour, technique and creativity.
So it was only a matter of time before they made the leap into distilling, bringing over 20 years of experience and innovation to create great craft spirits and Winesellersdirect are stoked to be a stockist.
The Mountain Goat Hopped Gin is the creation of distiller, James Kilby. His fascination with aroma and flavour stems from his experiences working in restaurants, roasting and brewing coffee, and distilling spirits at a small distillery. The combination of his obsession with gin and a natural intuition for blending flavours makes him the ideal person to lead Mountain Goat into their quest for spirits perfection.
It’s no secret that they love big, hoppy beers at Mountain Goat, so it was a natural step for them to create a gin that used hops as a balanced part of the spirit.
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