Indri Indian Single Malt Whisky 700ml
Indri Indian Single Malt Whisky 700ml
Recommended Retail $120.00
Indri Indian Single Malt Whisky is gentle and mellow on the nose. Hints of black tea, caramelised pineapple with a whiff of oak comes forward, followed by vanilla and honey from the bourbon oak and traces of spiced tannins from the European oak, finally topped up with vinous raisin and sweet sherry notes. Elegant richness, smooth and warm on the sides of the mouth. Gentle spice and woody characteristics. A subtle and balanced finish, each flavour compliments the other without dominating each other. A smooth and long after taste with sweet fruity flavours coming up from the warmth of the throat, lingering long after.
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Product Information
Variety: World Whisky
Size mL: 700
ABV: 46%
Age Statement: No Age Statement (NAS)
Distillery Info
Trini, The three wood was conceptualised based on the
individual contribution of each wood without overshadowing the original whisky profile which is light fruity with sweet vanilla and spice, a subtle nuttiness to chew on with a medium to reasonably long finish.
The seed for the nectar of the gods was sown in the barren desert. Many millennia have passed since barley has bloomed in the inhospitable climate of Rajasthan. For
our uncompromising quest to create the finest spirits, we use the traditional Indian six row barley, which is cultivated using old indigenous practices that rely on organic and sustainable methods. The yield may be smaller but it lends a fruity and floral distinctive taste to the spirits.
The magic of the marriage of three different wood casks come to its splendour when our malts are matured in ex-bourbon, ex-french wine and ex-sherry casks. It embellishes our malt with the finest shade of Amber, whiff of caramelised pineapple, vanilla, hints of black tea, raisins & citrus and subtle nuttiness. The smoothness and flavour linger long after the glass has been put aside.
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